Tree Pose

6 Breaths on each leg.
SETS 6 Breaths on each leg.


  • Ankle, knee, hip and core stability.
  • Improved spinal alignment and posture.

Targeted Muscles

  • Inner and outer hip and leg muscles
  • Deep abdominal core stabilizer muscles

How to Perform

  1. Stand with feet together while breathing deeply.
  2. Step firmly down into your left foot and leg. This helps to engage the leg and hip musculature for support.
  3. Draw your belly in towards the spine.
  4. Gently lift you right foot either on to the ankle with the toe on the floor, below the knee and then eventually with arms raised over the head (See pictures for progressions)
  5. Externally rotate your right knee laterally and open up across the hips. Ensure you don’t twist the hips out of alignment.
  6. Hold as you breath 6’xs. Each inhale acts to lengthens the spine, Each exhale, push the foot into the floor to further engage your stabilizer muscles.

Common Challenges

  • This yoga pose can be challenging due to lack of stability in the ankle, knee, hip or core. Start with the toe down then work your way up the progressions as stability improves.
  • Hips can swing out on the standing leg side. Using a mirror initially can be helpful to ensure the hips stay even with the floor and balanced.

Alternative Exercise Suggestions for Patients with an ICD